Summer Outdoor Meeting!

We had one of our summer meetings in in the backyard of a member. It was a lovely day and great to see everyone.

August general meeting will be our annual picnic in Sladden Park. More info to come later. Our September meeting will be at the Garden Club! And they are also ready for our in person sew days so Ken is checking the UofO football schedule and the board will set the dates.

August mystery block:

Watermelon! Ken sent the instructions with the July meeting reminder so bring your finished blocks to the August picnic meeting.

Ugly Fabric Challenge: Ken has kicked off our next challenge. This is the BEAUTIFUL "ugly" fabric for the Ugly Fabric Challenge. No rules other than use it all and bring it to the Holiday Social Meeting in December.

The 2022 Emerald Valley Quilters Quilt Show will be held in May 2022. With twice the space as previous years
they are inviting the Pineneedle quilters, Pioneer Quilters, and EMQG enter their quilts also. More specific entry information will be announced in upcoming meetings.

July art challenge show & tell:


Inspiration was Van Gough's "Starry Night"


Linda Del: Inspiration - mid century art


Mystery block show & tell:

Kim showed her July block

July show & tell:
Darcy showed fabrics that she collected on her trip to Alaska

Susan designed and made this for her boyfriend from fabrics she has collected from various sources that go together. The heart blocks were a new block for her

The mushroom fabric on the back

Pat brought this prototype of a bag she has been wanting to make. She has been playing with indigo and shibori dyeing

Linda Del made this from a collection of fat quarters using a pattern from Missouri Star Quilt Co

Linda Del's Mystery Quilt Challenge top from last year! She decided to add the border and feels like it really helped finish if off well.

Linda Del made this out of a layer cake for the granddaughter of a friend. Ken is going to quilt it.

Jill had this top sitting around "forever"! She quilted each block in a different way.

The next two are the same quilt-as-you-go pieces she picked up off of the EMQG table. She told us about a way of sewing the binding on by machine on both sides.

Jill also showed a hexi quilt. The fabric looks like watercolors.

This is Jill's quilt from our challenge a couple of years ago. It is already partially machine quilted and she is big stitch quilting the solid areas herself by hand.

Virginia made this from a layer cake. The fabrics were picked out by the recipient.

Denise made this while she was away from her home during the fires last summer.

Denise also made this last summer from a kit, but this is not the pattern. She took the class on line and loved it

Jessica made this in an industrial sewing class, and has decided she really DOES like to sew

Hillie made these for twins using reproduction fabrics