The annual EMQG picnic will be this Wednesday, Aug. 10th, at 6:30 pm in Friendly Park, intersection of Monroe St and West 27th Ave. Bring a dish to share, your own plate & eating utensils & beverage, and a lawn chair or quilt for seating. We will have our usual meeting at the picnic including show-and-tell and the monthly Bee Blocks.
Swap: We'll be doing a Notions Swap at the picnic. Bring a quilting notion (or two) of no more than $10 value in a plain bag and take home a different one. This is a great way for all of us to learn about new tools and notions.
We will also be soliciting nominations for next year's Guild officers. Here are the job descriptions:
President: Organize monthly meeting agenda; preside over monthly meetings; coordinate guild committees; first point of contact with the Modern Quilt Guild.
Vice President/Programs: Act as president when the president is unavailable for guild activities; organize guest speakers/workshops (currently, 4 per year); organize annual picnic and December social; promote social activities within the guild.
Secretary/Membership: Write monthly meeting minutes/notes; maintain paper records (minutes, bylaws, membership rosters, etc.) of the guild; maintain membership records with the MQG; prepare attendance and Show & Tell sign-in sheets before meetings; post monthly minutes and note on the MQG website and the EMQG blog.
Treasurer: Maintain guild checking account; process any income, including new member fees; write checks for guild expenses; update and maintain any necessary legal paperwork for non-profit status; prepare quarterly report of guild finances.
posted by Daisy