Meeting Notes May 13, 2015
Presenter: Daisy Schrock
Minutes: Anne Robertson
Photographer: Missy Downey
Sew Night: Wednesday, May 20, at McNail-Riley House at 6:30 pm
We will be working on the blocks for our Raffle Quilt, or bring your own project to work on.
Sew Day: Saturday, May 23, at Our Sewing Room from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Jayne Scoggin will be teaching a class on making “Fiber Art Leaves” from 10:00 – 2:00. Contact her to sign up and for a supply list, she will supply the freezer paper. Jayne suggests using hand-dyed or batik fabrics – the pieces she has shown us are lovely! No charge for the class, just the $5 for OSR.

Lane County Fair: July 22 – 26,
Nelda Copsey announced that Textile entries are now open online. Volunteers will be able to sign up in June.
Quilt! Knit! Stitch! : August 13 – 15, Portland, at Oregon Convention Center
This was a very good show last year. Sign-ups for classes and tickets are now available. Go online for more information,
The Treasurer, Linda Delaplain, will send the financial report to be posted on the EMQG section of the Modern Quilt Guild web site to be available to members.
Shop at the meeting’s yard sale!
Raffle Quilt: We are making the lap quilt size of MQG’s March Pattern of the Month, “Use Your Illusion”. Some blocks have been finished and Anne handed out all of the blocks that need to be sewn. Come to Sew Night or finish them at home, but please finish them soon so we can put the quilt together. Please leave the papers on the blocks so we can identify them. If you are having trouble or feeling discouraged, let us know! Also, we are looking for volunteers to quilt it or work on the binding.
Retreat: The EMQG Retreat on September 17 – 20 is happening! Pat Johnston (huge thanks to Pat for organizing!) passed out information sheets and started collecting deposits. Mike from McKenzie River Mountain Resort has sent the contract, which is for a minimum of 18 people, and it looks like we will easily meet that. The initial deposit of $100 is due May 23 (Sew Day) with the balance of $183.50 due by June 14 (next EMQG meeting is June 10). Make checks out to Eugene Modern Quilt Guild and Pat will also be at Sew Night to take deposits.
Denise Nash received her bee blocks for May. She had requested 10.5” x 16.5” blocks using a favorite technique, and a nice variety of blocks came back.
Phyliss Porter is the Queen Bee for June and she handed out bags of cut squares and fabrics that she would like to use up! The participants are to make anything they want in a 12.5” block.

The theme for May was “Gossamer Spring” and four lovely, unique pieces were displayed. It had been suggested that the themes needed some verbs, so Pat re-did the theme jar. June’s theme was drawn by a first-time visitor, Liz, and is “Dot”, which can be a noun or a verb! Get creative!
May’s swap was a thread catcher or other sewing accessory. There were several fun items exchanged, including thread catchers, pincushions, and a needle case.
Karen announced that the swap for June will be something with a “curve”.

Pat did a demonstration of making fabric out of leftover threads (or from spools) using Solvy Water Soluble Stabilizer by Sulky. The stabilizer is cornstarch-based so it just washes away when the project is complete. The threads, yarn, fabric scraps, etc. are placed between two layers and the free-motion stitching is used to hold it all together. Mokuba Free Lace Paper can also be used.

Phyliss Porter: “100 Blocks” quilt designed by Tula Pink. Pieced by herself in a rainbow of colors and quilted by Jayne Scoggin.
Linda Delaplain: “Easy Peasy” quilt for a little boy in blue and orange fish fabric. Pieced and quilted by herself for her dentist’s grandson in exchange for dental work!

Pat Johnston: Bed runners, one made using a wedge tool and the second made in Japanese-style motifs. Both designed, pieced, and quilted by herself.

Denise Nash: Wall hanging made by herself in an Emerald Valley Quilters workshop from wool felt in a flower garden design. “Royal Wonder”, a one-block wonder quilt, in bright blue. Pieced and quilted by herself.

Kim Olsen: Baby quilt from half of a jelly roll with curved corners and using various machine stitches. Pieced and quilted by herself.

Jenny Bonynge: Wall hanging made by herself in class by Gwen Marston in a very modern style.
Jenny shared books by Gwen Marston and announced that Gwen will be the main speaker (she is excellent) at QuiltCon 2016. Jenny is really encouraging EMQG members to attend QuiltCon!